Right Choice Care Services
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About Us

RightChoice Care services provide accommodation and support to young people in and leaving care. We specialise in providing for "difficult to place young people".

What is it we provide?
We provide a service to young people in and leaving the care of a Local Authority, who require specific help in developing and maintaining lifelong self care and life skills.
The service provides for young people with a clear pathway plan, out of which we will construct a daily action placement plan. We see this a robust approach to pathway planning,  as opposite to it being simple a document or a paper exercise of no real intent or meaning to the young person.
We provide the physical as well as the emotional space for young people to be themselves, to make mistakes and be able to correct them at their own pace, without ridicule in a safe setting. Having their own space, physically and emotionally is in our view essential if young people are to test themselves in respect of the day to day management of their lives. It enables them to have a fair chance of developing their potential, via a process of trial and error.
To this end our services provide a range of options for young people, based on their assessed needs and ranging from individual units with outreach support, to share and twenty four hour supervised unit.
All placements may be accessed in an emergency with the proviso that a placement agreement is constructed within 72 hours.


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